Wednesday 13 October 2010

Al-Qaeda magazine suggests crashing trucks into crowds

Al-Qaeda urged Muslims in western countries to weld deadly steel blades to SUV vehicles and then plough into civilian crowds, in the second edition of the group's online English-language magazine.

"Inspire", a 74-page propaganda organ published by the Yemen-based wing of the Islamist group, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), aims to recruit young westerners to the jihadi cause and to inspire random attacks.

In an article titled "The Ultimate Mowing Machine", illustrated with a picture of an imposing civilian Ford four-by-four truck, the group suggests arming the vehicle as a spiked battering ram and targeting crowded areas.

It urges attacks in "Israel, the US, Britain, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Denmark, Holland and other countries where the government and public sentiment is in support of the occupation of Palestine.

"If you have access to firearms, carry them with you so that you may use them to finish off your work if your vehicle gets grounded during the attack," the article continued, warning that militants must be prepared to die.

"After such an attack we believe it would be difficult to get away safely. Hence, it should be considered a martyrdom operation," it said.

Other articles include an interview with Abu Sufyan al-Azdi, a Saudi AQAP leader who was formerly imprisoned for six years at the US detention centre in Guantanamo, and messages from the radical US imam Anwar al-Awlaqi.

Dated autumn 1431/2010 in the Muslim and Julian calendars respectively, the second issue of "Inspire" showa that Al-Qaeda's Yemen branch increasingly presents a serious threat to western targets.

Awlaqi in particular is bent on radicalising fellow English-speaking US and western citizens, and is accused of helping a Nigerian student plan the failed Christmas Day 2009 "underpants bombing" of a trans-Atlantic flight.

Awlaqi has publically urged US Muslims to follow the example of Major Nidal Hassan, a US army psychiatrist accused of fatally gunning down 13 colleagues during a rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, in November last year.

UPDATE: Looks like somebody doesnt want this publication getting out, the first link has been removed, not by myself, but by some other power. The second link is working at the moment. Should you find none of the links work then leave a commant and I will reupload it.

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