Thursday 4 March 2010

UERSS: The Council of Europe requires of the United Kingdom the dissolution of the B.N.P.!

Translation of: by Babelfish:

According to an official report published on March 2, 2010 by the European commission against racism and intolerance (sic), the Council of Europe requires of the United Kingdom the dissolution of British National Party (BNP).

It is about an obvious illustration of the totalitarianism europeist whose political persecutions are connected more and more with those into force in the late USSR. Servile servants of the New americanized World Order, the euro-mondialistes stateless people are likely to use all the possible subterfuges in order to destroy the Resistant ones attached to the State-Nations and the enracinées identities. The United Kingdom: Towards a dissolution of BNP on order of the euro-mondialistes?

According to a public report/ratio distributed in the afternoon of March 2, 2010 by the European commission against racism and intolerance (ECRI), the Council of Europe requires of the United Kingdom a dissolution of British National Party (BNP). Under the terms of a terminology worn down into force in the dispensaries be-saying antiracists, the United Kingdom is summoned “to take measures to cure the exploitation of racism in policy”.

This Commission europeist rests on one of its recommendations of general policy stipulating that “the law must envisage the possibility of dissolving organizations which promote racism”. It is about a news and scandalous totalitarian interference of a body europeist in the interior matters of a sovereign nation. The ECRI is composed members named in each of the 47 countries of the Council of Europe which includes islamo-preserving Turkey.

For the euro-mondialistes stateless people of Brussels, any political opposition with the massive immigration-Islamization of the Third world must be banished and reduced with silence, initially in the United Kingdom then in each nation member of the EU of the 27. Once again, national preference (British jobs for British workers) legitimates it is scandalously amalgamated with an alleged racism. The vocabulary, the semantics and the rhetoric of be-saying antiracists europeists are skewed, canted and trapped. The aggressive ethno-communautarism and the virulent Islamism, which progress daily and gangrènent the British company, do not seem to worry the pharisees funkers and friqués of this Commission liberticide. Adversary relentless of all the forms of sovereignty and rooting, the European Union (EU) is only one footboard towards the New World Order.

Why this eagerness against National British Party? For several years, BNP has recorded a growing popularity at the time of local and/or partial polls (communes, districts and counties). Nations Presse Information devoted some articles to the remarkable electoral performances of BNP in rural areas relatively saved by the pangs of the immigration-Islamization of the Third world, in the old industrial bastions disaster victims by the ceaseless delocalizations, the structural unemployment and an inescapable economic turning into a desert and finally in the large urban metropolises devastated by the aggressive ethno-communutarism and virulent Islamism.

At the time of the organized municipal elections of London on May 1, 2008, the list of BNP taken along by dynamics Richard Barnbrook crosses the fateful threshold of 5% (5,33% and 130.714 votes) what enabled him to take down thanks to the poll proportional one of the eleven municipal seats of the London metropolis (Great London Assembly). The comfortable election of Richard Barnbrook caused a true electric shock within the British politico-media Establishment.

The elections comtales and European were organized on Thursday June 4, 2009. At the time of the poll comtal, BNP gained for the first time three seats. Sharon Wilkinson was elected with 1.155 votes in at one time industrial district of Padiham & Burnley West (county of Lancashire, the North-West). Graham Partner was elected with 1.039 votes in the district of the old mining bastion of Coalville (county of Leicestershire, the Midlands of the East). At the time of a first candidature, Deirdre Gates was elected with 783 votes in the semi-rural district of South Oxhey bordering on Large London (county of Hertfordshire, Is).

Although BNP took down only the sixth place at the time of the European poll, it obtained for the first time two eurodéputés (6,26% and 943.598 votes). With 8% (132.194 votes), the owner of BNP Nick Griffin became one of the eight eurodéputés of the North-West. With 9,80% (120.139 votes), the reprocessed academic Andrew Brons became one of the six eurodéputés of Yorkshire & Humberside. In spite of the heinous and nauseous campaigns of be-saying antifacists, the election of two eurodéputés of BNP was a formidable snook vis-a-vis the British politicians of the System and with the eurocrats stateless people of Brussels. Using 10% their monthly allowances, Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons reflect in place of the funds intended to support various valid causes in their respective euro-districts. The serene and increasing dediabolisation of BNP near many British voters of the North-West and Yorkshire & Humberside undoubtedly frightens the totalitarian europeists, worthy heirs to the most coercive political regimes of the XXe century.

The concrete initiative of six eurodéputés French and Hungarian supported the birth at the end of October 2009 of the Alliance of the European National movements (AMNE) from which the statutes aim at protecting “Europe from the religious imperialism, political, economic and financial”. Although they did not obtain any seat in the European Parliament, the Swedish National-Democrats, Belgian Front National and Fiamma Tricolore (Italy) take part in the AMNE and express their determination to fight against “the euro-mondialisme and the decline”.

Whereas BNP integrated this alliance intended to defend the concept of State-Nations vis-a-vis the road roller of the mondialism stateless person, the FPÖ (Austria) as well as Spanish representatives (MSR) and Portuguese could join it soon. Nations Presse Information evoked at the time of three articles this saving initiative which strongly irritated the lobbies europeists and atlanto-mondialists (1, 2,3). The official site of BNP wrote even a long article devoted to with the genesis of the AMNE.


Comment by CharlesM on March 3, 2010 @ 19:36
The Council of Europe is worst organizations mondialists, fortunately it does not have any real capacity.!! they are nevertheless the European nations (extended to others) which pay the members of them grassement to vote with length of year of motions of this kind. It is necessary to dissolve this thing worse than UNO!

Comment by L' Eaglet on March 3, 2010 @ 19:57
it is all the EU who should be dissolved, earliest will be best, for our Public Safety! to see the analysis of Vladimir Bukovsky:
It is eloquent!

Comment by Pierre on March 3, 2010 @ 20:09
Exactly this thing should be dissolved there. That takes the way of it. See the article Why Greece will leave the Euro; There is not any doubt that Greece will leave the euro shortly. The solutions which could make it possible to maintain it there all are excluded. The first would be that Europe guarantees the Greek debt of State which thus would become a debt of all Europe. The payment of the euro does not allow it and that for obvious reasons: the precedent would be unacceptable. Greece did not ask for Europe the permission of make deficits, quite to the contrary, it made a part in its back of it. If each country could thus draw from the accounts - cheques on the European unit, one would go quickly to generalized laxism. And besides even if this dealt with were possible, the German opinion would not allow it knowing that at the end, it is L `Germany which should pay. See the continuation it is instructive:

Comment by fredx on March 3, 2010 @ 21:14
Supports total at BNP, today BNP, tomorrow the FN?

Comment by JCL31 on March 3, 2010 @ 22:23
@fredx Exactly, if the regional elections are used as clamp in Front National to climb towards the presidential ones, it will occur the same thing. If it were the case, I think that we would have the support of the population because it will become aware in its majority of the organized treason of which it is victim.

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