Thursday 18 November 2010

Coventry - Muslims schoolboy death threats update

Here is an update on the previous story.

It appears those suspended from the  Sidney Stringer Academy in Coventry formed part of a group within the academy calling themselves the ‘Muslim Defence League’ who celebrate British deaths in Afghanistan
The boy who is being sent death threats because he posted a message on his Facebook page ‘RIP to all the lads who never made it home.’
He also posted two pictures showing British troops on Armistice Day.
The ‘Muslim Defence League’ then branded him a racist and started a campaign of violence and intimidation against him.
A gang of 12-year-old pupils made up of five Muslim boys and one non-Muslim white girl have beensuspended and may be expelled over the threats.

One of the gang’s ringleaders is an Iraqi who posted a chilling picture of himself holding an AK47.
This raises the question of how did this boy come into contact with such weapons, is the weapon kept at his home, or did he receive weapons training in some other country, either way it seems his parents have full knowledge of this and must be in support of his actions.

Wendy Tomes, Sidney Stringer Academy principal has said that “As far as I’m concerned, racism isn’t an issue at this very diverse school."
“Students here learn to work with others of numerous cultures and that is a strength not a weakness.”

It seems that 'Wendy Tomes' doesnt understand the dynamics of her own academy,
Sidney Stringer Academy has a majority of 65% Muslims from around 1250 pupils, if there are 'numerous cultures' then these make up 35% of the rest of the pupils, this means that the total forming 'English' culture must be well in the minority.
And if 'Wendy Tomes' doesnt think that racism is an issue when there are muslim gangs threatening non muslims for being 'non muslims', then she is not capable of running the academy.

The irony is that yesterday Education Secretary Michael Gove said that safeguards are in place to ensure extreme Islamist groups do not infiltrate the state school system.
During a Commons debate on education, Mike Gapes (Lab, Ilford S) asked: "What safeguards are there against extremists, including Islamist or creationist extremists, setting up free schools?"

Mr Gove told him: "I have a consistent record of opposing Islamist extremism in this House.
"One of the things we have been doing is setting up a new due diligence unit within the department in order to ensure that the threat of extremism - not just from anyone who might wish to promote a free school, but anyone who wishes to infiltrate our state school system - is dealt with.
"One of the striking things that you will be aware of is that we had cases in Surrey and in Birmingham where there were genuine dangers because of extremist influence in state schools.
"It is an issue I take very seriously."

Well is looks like those safeguards have failed

You can vist the Sidney Stringer Academy website HERE
You can email 'Mrs W Tomes' here
You can read more on this story HERE
You can email 'Michael Gove' here
or visit his website HERE
You can read more about Gove's statement HERE

The question now is when will there be a public enquiry into how this muslim extremist gang was allowed to form in the first place, and will 'Wendy Tomes' be resigning.
The academy has only been open since November 2010, read more HERE


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